Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Questions for Media

1. In what way does your media product us, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I looked at magazines such as NME and Kerrang in order to use information and techniques alike. I used similar colours, also I used techniques such as the left side third and a puff. I used these techniques to intrigue my audience and make them want to pick up the magazine and read it. I feel that sticking to a similar technique to other magazines will bore readers, so the use of better techniques such as a puff will draw the reader in. I used a wide range of techniques so each page looks different and makes the reader, read on.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I used colours and featured story lines to attract a wide audience (16+) I think working class and student class would read my magazine. I feel this because i have been able to relate to the age class and what they would want to read. I have used similar cover lines that will appeal to a wide audience as well as intrigue them. Also with each story being different it gives the magazine change and keeps it intreseting.

3. What kind of media institutions may distribute your media product and why?

I would use traditional magazine to keep it simple and accessible to all of the public. I would also use the internet; I would use this so it is spread among a wide audience. A lot of the readers may be more willing to read through the internet. With the extras on the internet it gives the audience a variety of choice, such as online questionnaires with prizes to win. The online site features interactive games and ways to communicate. The internet is also a way to advertise the magazine.

4. Who would be your audience?

16+, I want my audience to be wide and my magazine well known. I want it to be a magazine that is enjoyed and read everywhere. I think i could achieve this because: I think I can relate and connect to my audience, through my life as a student and what i would like to read and see in a magazine.. I think I have similar interests to the student social class and I am able to use everyday life to connect with readers.

5. How did you attract/ address your audience?

I used a wide range of cover lines and colours, Such as ‘UK top charts’ and bright colours such as gold. I used images to attract, and I kept to my theme of R&B/Indie. I used wider ranges of cover lines to appeal to everyone.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process constructing your product?

I learnt a lot about Photoshop- how to edit photos and create a magazine of good quality, Blogger- to upload information and work, photography- the different sections of a photo and how to draw an audience in by an image. Also general construction of a magazine to a high standard.

7. Look at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I think I have learnt what my audience really want and how, by asking fellow class mates and what would intrigue them, my questionnaire helped. Also I made improvements, my Photoshop skills improved also I manage to achieve a better looking magazine. Which I am happier with I think my audience will prefer it as well.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Problems i came across.

I came across a few problems such as font and the colour of my font. i had really italic writing and this became a problem to read especially on the darkness of my front cover. so i manages to change it to a font i liked and was able to read. i asked members of the class to see how easy it was to read, and they gave me feed back. Also with my background so dark i had to change the colour of my text to compliment my background.

Photography- some of the pics

I really enjoyed to photoshoot and go some really good photos. i learnt new skills and i was really happy with the images on my magazine.

my progress so farrrrrrrr..............................

I have now finished my Music mag front cover :D
I have made slight adjustements to make it look better like changing colours and font size, also i have change some of the font to make it easier to read. I have nearly finished my contents and double page spread.

Media draft of my music mag front cover and annotations :)

Saturday, 5 November 2011

I have been looking at my magazine and others. These are some of the things i plan to use:
>direct mode of address, i am using this to have a connection between my audience and magazine; So they have something to relate to.
>Wide range of coverlines to appeal to everyone.
>Using fonts and colours everyone will understand and like.
>wide range of techniques to use.
>Meet my target audiences wants.
>Meet my draft as planned.
>complete on time.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

My results for my questionnaire


These results helped my choice of colours, my audience and what to include. The majority voted for their favourite genre as R&B so thats the one i went with. I included the choice of internet and a fan site in my magazine to support those in favour of online dowloading and listening to music. To widen my audience.  I kept the price of my magazine relatively low and £2 to keep in favour of those willing to pay that price. I am including a lot of different artists inside to apeese everyones taste. i made my magazine eye catching, with a wide range of coverlines so there is something for everyone to read. i looked at the choices of peoples fav mags and used small ideas from all of them to make my own version. people disliked the colours bright yellow, green and pink on the front of a magazine so i stayed away from those colours and used black greys and golds.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Wow thanks computer. Decided it didnt like my contents page; so the computer kindly deleted it!
-So here is my new contents page :D

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Just finished my draft for my music magazine!
i took my mums info and added cover lines that will draw in older people as well as young, to give myself a wider audience.

:D :) :P :/

Friday, 14 October 2011

I am really annoying myself!
I used to be able to watch a film and now i am seeing how real the shark looks!
Thanks Media.

P.s - The Reef ( Not very good shark- oh actually that bit was good!)

Thursday, 13 October 2011

My target audience is 'THE ASPIRES' i have chosen this group because its reasonably easy to please- the closest to average also i feel as if i am in this group so i can relate to my magazine and contribute to what others will like. I have chosen the older teens to middle aged (18-30) I have chosen this large age group so it appeals to a wider audience, aswell as intreguing them and being an enjoyable read. My sub-genre is r&b/ POP as i listen to this genre more than others, and is a common genre.

I like this top magazine cover for many reasons i think it can apply to the four young and rubicam's audience guide. The cover has music themes however it has a hint of beauty and sweetness which softens the magazine and makes the cover more likable- For me anyway. I like how it fits in with my sub-genre and it matches my target audience. The magazine itself is generally black and white but with the firery red on the cover it connotes danger so it adds and eliment of contrasts. The magazine is actually very natural but bold. I like how the writing changes from thin to bold to italic as well as the size.NME catches you attention due to the contrast between the RED hair and the WHITE, BOLD masthead. The red hair draws you in then so does the FLORENCE meaning your eyes are focused on the magazine for longer. 'TWO OF TEN SPECIAL EDITION COVERS' with the impact this one has on you, you want to see the others. I like the change from the other NME mags, this one is such a change that it makes you even more interested. I want my mag to be like this; i want to have an obvious audience with an eye catching format to intregued a wide range of people.

I love the colour contrast on this magazine i like the natural background with the black, pink and blue. These are natural coulors generally appealing to a wide range of views both male and female. i like the essance on fashion and light; it again is an opposite to the other NME magazines. which is refreshing and different. The left side third is very appealing with the bright colours and the bold font. The font changing often, keeps the magazine different and allows your eyes to focus on certain points of the magazine. I like the simiplicity of this magazine however mine wont be as simple, i enjoy the colour and the naturalist look however i want mine to be more appealing and cacthing; i want the audience to want to buy the next instailment of my magazine.

Both magazines have many technical elements such as left side third, bold masthead e.c.t i think that they are both strong style models and a reliable source.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

essay comments

What i did well:
>I identified a wide range of techniques used throughout magazines.
>I made detailed comments on the front cover, analysing the majority of the cover in depth.
>I used a chatty style to keep the reader interested.
>I made references to the case study.

Room to improve:
>Mention the left side third.
>Make notes before-hand to ensure that i leave nothing out. (the left-side-third)

>I feel i did well on my essay i enjoyed writing it; and i liked the fact we got to analyse work that is well known and being published.

Monday, 19 September 2011

my media homework. :D

I have chosen to use my friend Katherine key, i chose her due to the fact she is beautiful and well know; i think her image is respected by many girls and will catch the attention of others. The age group i am going for is around 20, i dont want it to seem to young however on the other hand i want to attract the attention of the old students and teachers :)