Tuesday, 1 November 2011

My results for my questionnaire


These results helped my choice of colours, my audience and what to include. The majority voted for their favourite genre as R&B so thats the one i went with. I included the choice of internet and a fan site in my magazine to support those in favour of online dowloading and listening to music. To widen my audience.  I kept the price of my magazine relatively low and £2 to keep in favour of those willing to pay that price. I am including a lot of different artists inside to apeese everyones taste. i made my magazine eye catching, with a wide range of coverlines so there is something for everyone to read. i looked at the choices of peoples fav mags and used small ideas from all of them to make my own version. people disliked the colours bright yellow, green and pink on the front of a magazine so i stayed away from those colours and used black greys and golds.

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