Questions for Media
1. In what way does your media product us, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I looked at magazines such as NME and Kerrang in order to use information and techniques alike. I used similar colours, also I used techniques such as the left side third and a puff. I used these techniques to intrigue my audience and make them want to pick up the magazine and read it. I feel that sticking to a similar technique to other magazines will bore readers, so the use of better techniques such as a puff will draw the reader in. I used a wide range of techniques so each page looks different and makes the reader, read on.
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
I used colours and featured story lines to attract a wide audience (16+) I think working class and student class would read my magazine. I feel this because i have been able to relate to the age class and what they would want to read. I have used similar cover lines that will appeal to a wide audience as well as intrigue them. Also with each story being different it gives the magazine change and keeps it intreseting.
3. What kind of media institutions may distribute your media product and why?
I would use traditional magazine to keep it simple and accessible to all of the public. I would also use the internet; I would use this so it is spread among a wide audience. A lot of the readers may be more willing to read through the internet. With the extras on the internet it gives the audience a variety of choice, such as online questionnaires with prizes to win. The online site features interactive games and ways to communicate. The internet is also a way to advertise the magazine.
4. Who would be your audience?
16+, I want my audience to be wide and my magazine well known. I want it to be a magazine that is enjoyed and read everywhere. I think i could achieve this because: I think I can relate and connect to my audience, through my life as a student and what i would like to read and see in a magazine.. I think I have similar interests to the student social class and I am able to use everyday life to connect with readers.
5. How did you attract/ address your audience?
I used a wide range of cover lines and colours, Such as ‘UK top charts’ and bright colours such as gold. I used images to attract, and I kept to my theme of R&B/Indie. I used wider ranges of cover lines to appeal to everyone.
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process constructing your product?
I learnt a lot about Photoshop- how to edit photos and create a magazine of good quality, Blogger- to upload information and work, photography- the different sections of a photo and how to draw an audience in by an image. Also general construction of a magazine to a high standard.
7. Look at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I think I have learnt what my audience really want and how, by asking fellow class mates and what would intrigue them, my questionnaire helped. Also I made improvements, my Photoshop skills improved also I manage to achieve a better looking magazine. Which I am happier with I think my audience will prefer it as well.
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