Thursday, 20 October 2011

Wow thanks computer. Decided it didnt like my contents page; so the computer kindly deleted it!
-So here is my new contents page :D

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Just finished my draft for my music magazine!
i took my mums info and added cover lines that will draw in older people as well as young, to give myself a wider audience.

:D :) :P :/

Friday, 14 October 2011

I am really annoying myself!
I used to be able to watch a film and now i am seeing how real the shark looks!
Thanks Media.

P.s - The Reef ( Not very good shark- oh actually that bit was good!)

Thursday, 13 October 2011

My target audience is 'THE ASPIRES' i have chosen this group because its reasonably easy to please- the closest to average also i feel as if i am in this group so i can relate to my magazine and contribute to what others will like. I have chosen the older teens to middle aged (18-30) I have chosen this large age group so it appeals to a wider audience, aswell as intreguing them and being an enjoyable read. My sub-genre is r&b/ POP as i listen to this genre more than others, and is a common genre.

I like this top magazine cover for many reasons i think it can apply to the four young and rubicam's audience guide. The cover has music themes however it has a hint of beauty and sweetness which softens the magazine and makes the cover more likable- For me anyway. I like how it fits in with my sub-genre and it matches my target audience. The magazine itself is generally black and white but with the firery red on the cover it connotes danger so it adds and eliment of contrasts. The magazine is actually very natural but bold. I like how the writing changes from thin to bold to italic as well as the size.NME catches you attention due to the contrast between the RED hair and the WHITE, BOLD masthead. The red hair draws you in then so does the FLORENCE meaning your eyes are focused on the magazine for longer. 'TWO OF TEN SPECIAL EDITION COVERS' with the impact this one has on you, you want to see the others. I like the change from the other NME mags, this one is such a change that it makes you even more interested. I want my mag to be like this; i want to have an obvious audience with an eye catching format to intregued a wide range of people.

I love the colour contrast on this magazine i like the natural background with the black, pink and blue. These are natural coulors generally appealing to a wide range of views both male and female. i like the essance on fashion and light; it again is an opposite to the other NME magazines. which is refreshing and different. The left side third is very appealing with the bright colours and the bold font. The font changing often, keeps the magazine different and allows your eyes to focus on certain points of the magazine. I like the simiplicity of this magazine however mine wont be as simple, i enjoy the colour and the naturalist look however i want mine to be more appealing and cacthing; i want the audience to want to buy the next instailment of my magazine.

Both magazines have many technical elements such as left side third, bold masthead e.c.t i think that they are both strong style models and a reliable source.